DOMOSCHOOL - International Alpine School of Mathematics and Physics

The International Alpine School of Mathematics and Physics is at Domodossola (Italy - VB) under the organizational management of the non profit Association ARS.UNI.VCO E.T.S. with the scientific support of experienced academic professors and in collaboration with the Municipality of Domodossola and other Institutional Entities

The annual international school will consists of five days meeting to be held usually in summer; lessons will take around 18-22 hours, divided into 6 up to 8 courses for 3-4 hours each.

Four days will be devoted to the scientific topic, in the middle of the week, one day will be devoted to cultural relax, where some events will be organized with the aim of allowing all the participants to sightsee the touristic, social and cultural potentiality of Domodossola, Val d’Ossola and alpine region of Verbano Cusio Ossola.

The participants to the school will be expected to be Ph.D. students, researchers and experts from the world.

Apart from the “standard” students, the participation to the school will be extended to interested high school teachers and worthy student (formative credits will be required).

Beyond this, there will be organized special night events for everyone: one public lecture explaining the contents and the relevance of the given school, and at least a popular lecture on a scientific topic that could be of general interest and helpful in spreading the scientific knowledge.