TUESDAY July 16th 2024

DOMOSCHOOL 2024 Guided Tour - free for participants

Le Marmitte dei Giganti e gli Orridi di Uriezzo

A very special excursion that can be done in the Antigorio Valley is the one to the Orridi di Uriezzo, which, apart from admiring a phenomenon of extraordinary geological interest in the Alpine arc, which manifests itself at its maximum expression precisely in the Antigorio Valley, also gives us the opportunity to encounter some pearls of rare beauty along the way, all of this incredibly contained in a relatively small area.
First of all, let us explain what the "Orridi" are: this spectacular expression of nature dates back to the last of the four glaciations that formed in the Alps, more precisely the "Wurmian glaciation", which took place between 75000 and 8300 years ago, when this part of the territory was covered by a thickness of ice of over 1000 metres.
The erosive action of the water, with its sandy and pebbly detritus, which branched off into various streams and flowed over the microcrystalline rocks on which the glacier rested, created long, deep crevasse-like fissures known as 'gorges'.


2.35 PM: Meeting after lunch at the Centro Sociale (Via Romita) and shuttle to Crodo.

3.00 PM: Crodo. Visit IPSIA Fobelli - Agricoltural Institute and products with prof. Giuseppe Lozzia

4.00 PM: visit to the erba bona consortium, medicinal herbs with prof. Giuseppe Lozzia

5.00 PM from then with a 15 min walk you can visit Orridi di Uriezzo and Marmitte dei Giganti

7.00 PM: Appetizer and Gala Dinner at Trattoria Campagna in Verampio

At the end shuttle to Domodossola


THURSDAY July 18th 2024

DOMOSCHOOL 2024 Guided Tour - free for participants

Domodossola and Sacro Monte Calvario

Surrounded by the Ossola Alps and typical villages with slopes still planted with ancient vines, just a short distance from Switzerland, the Sacro Monte winds its way from the town of Domodossola to the Mattarella Hill, a place of very ancient origins whose history is testified by Roman and Longobard finds of building materials, ceramics and tools, and by a marble tombstone dating from 539 A.D., reused in the curtain wall of the medieval castle destroyed by the Swiss in 1415.


5.00 PM: Meeting point to be defined in Domodossola and with a 30 min walks you will be guided to Sacro Monte Calvario

5.30 PM: Visit to the ancient builduing, and to the Viewpoint on Domodossola and Ossola Valley

6.30 PM: return to Domodossola Centre


The STAFF recommend you to wear a comfortable item of clothing and a one-day rucksack, the journeys will be held also in case of bad weather conditions

The guided tours and the gala dinner are incuded in registration fee, thanks to the contribution of