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Prof. Dott. Lorenzo Tancredi

School of Natural Sciences, Thechnisce Universität München

Lecture's title: Introduction to the Theory of Feynman Integrals

Keywords: I will introduce scalar Feynman integrals, elucidate their importance for perturbative calculations in quantum field theory and discuss modern methods for their calculation, in particular: integration-by-parts identities, differential equations and the theory of iterated integrals.


Prof. Raphael Porto

Lead Scientist in the Astroparticle Physics Division, DESY in Hamburg.

Lectures' title: Gravitational waves: The (quantum) field theorist's approach

Keywords: Gravitational Waves. Effective Field Theory. Scattering Amplitudes. Feynman Integrals. Post-Minkowskian/Post-Newtonian expansions.

Dott. Anna Laura Sattelberger

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MiS), Leipzig, Germany

Lecture's title: Algebraic Aspects of Linear PDEs

Keywords: Weyl algebra, D-modules, connection form


Prof. Matthias Wilhelm

Associate Professor at the University of Southern Denmark 

Lecture's title: Machine learning for theoretical particle physics

Keywords: I will introduce several machine-learning approaches for analytic calculations in theoretical particle physics, including Feynman integrals and scattering amplitudes.